Thursday, November 7, 2019

October Revolution, 102 Year Later

This post will be a bit more on the short side as its being written on the fly, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of celebrating the October Revolution, on its one hundred and second birthday.
Image result for october revolution
The October Revolution was a decisive moment in socialist history in which the Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, overthrew Kerensky’s provisional government and seized control of Petrograd (St. Petersburg). It was this uprising that proved decisive in the rise of the Bolsheviks to power, and the spark that ignited the Russian Civil War that was to follow.

Preceding the October Revolution was the February Revolution, in which populist uprising against Tsar Nicholas II led to his abdication, and the establishment of a provisional government. This new government, while a liberal democracy rather than a monarchy, was still nonetheless bourgeoisie, and therefore sought only to keep the bourgeoisie in power, rather than transfer that power to the Russian workers and peasants.

The October Revolution, then, completed that transference of power, seizing it from the bourgeoisie and placing it into the hands of the soviets. This is the start of Soviet Russia, which in the civil war would grow into the Soviet Union, proving itself to stand strong against imperialist invaders. Today, the revolution is remembered as the first successful socialist revolution in history, and a reminder of what the revolutionary spirit may accomplish. The Bolsheviks’ taking of Petrograd was a shot, so to speak, heard by all the oppressed of the world, and inspiration for those who were to follow. In China, in Cuba, in Vietnam, in Korea. Now more than ever, as the parasite that is capitalism bleeds the world dry of its very lifeforce, the October Revolution should stand as inspiration for us too.
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